7 Ways Exterior Remodeling Can Pay Off Big Time

7 Ways Exterior Remodeling Can Pay Off Big Time

When it comes to upgrading a home, there is a tendency to focus exclusively on the inside. However, exterior remodeling should be viewed through the same eyes as any interior remodeling. Updating the outside of your home has unique benefits, and its’s also another way to boost the value of your home.

If you’re skeptical, think of it like this: the amount of upgrades you commit to will ultimately yield a proportional return. For example, it takes much more than a few coats of paint and a fancy backsplash to create thousands of dollars in value. (If that was the case, we’d all have a hit show on HGTV, flipping houses). The same is true for updating curb appeal and exterior amenities, where a well thought-out design can really wow potential buyers. Let’s delve into this a little bit more.

1. The Aesthetics and Curb Appeal

The outward appearance of a home is one of the first impressions the buyer has. Their attitude towards the exterior aesthetics can ultimately set the tone for the rest of the showing, meaning it can be selling factor or a deterrent. And, that first impression shouldn’t be overlooked, especially when you consider that homes with an updated exterior tend to sell to 10-15% quicker on the market. As a seller, this can be a huge cost-cutter and stress-saver. After all, buyers are looking for an investment that they can be proud of, so they probably aren’t going to be eager to buy the ugliest house on the block.

Bottom line: avoid overlooking the importance of curb appeal, unless you want to be skipped over by potential buyers.

2. An Increase in Home Value

It’s no secret that a renovated interior will add value to your home, but the same can be said about exterior remodeling, granted it is done effectively. Landscaping is a great way to freshen up the look of a home, but be mindful that the extra upkeep involved with some varieties of plants may be a turn off to some buyers. (Fear not, we’ll discuss how to pick the best plants in just a minute).

Another popular request among buyers is to have a finished backyard. Convenience and comfort are premiums that buyers are willing to pay for. Specifically, San Diego is known for its friendly, social atmosphere as well as its picture perfect weather. When you consider these two alongside each other, outdoor areas become a deal breaker in the eyes of some buyers. While starting a large project, such as putting in a pool or a patio, can be risky, it has the potential to significantly increase the selling price of your home. And, the numbers don’t lie: you can expect anywhere from a 100-1000% ROI, yielding a 5-20% increase in the overall value of your home.

3.Protection from the Elements

As alluded to above, landscaping is an integral part of an exterior remodel. In the case of Southern California, excessive heat and intense sunlight can prove disastrous for some varieties of plants. That’s why more and more buyers are seeking a native landscapes.

Xeriscape landscaping is the practice of planting drought-resistant plants to mimic the natural terrain of the area. Not only will be these plants thrive when the weather behaves erratically, but they will also save you money in the long run. Since these types of plants are well-suited to the Southern California environment, hey don’t need fertilizer or additional watering to survive, cutting down the cost of maintenance significantly. 

4. Proactive Identification of Problems 

An exterior remodel isn’t just about the aesthetics, but also ensuring that the structure and surrounding landscape aren’t deteriorating. In fact, upgrading the exterior of your home can allow you to catch any issues before it become major. Trust us, if you’ve ever seen any home remodelling show, you know how costly and disruptive these “surprises” can be.

In addition to the structural integrity of your home, it’s vital that the landscaping is properly maintained. When tress and shrubs flourish out of control, it can prevent you from seeing weakness in other areas on your property. Depending on the situation, proper maintenance can save you thousands of dollars in the long run. And yes, if you’re worried about that old tree that is ominously close to your home, it’s probably best that you get it checked out.

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5. Theft Prevention 

Did you know that a maintained exterior can also make your home safer? For example, keeping bushes and trees maintained gives you a better view of your property. This, in and of itself, acts as a deterrent because it makes it much more difficult for thieves to hide. Another potential approach is to strategically plant foliage around the perimeter of your house, preventing anyone from getting too close to any first floor windows. Likewise, trimming tree branches can prevent anyone from climbing onto the second level.

Another important feature to consider is fencing. Obviously, fenced in yards can deter potential intruders. However, if safety is a top priority, consider the functionality of the fence alongside its style. Although charming, the white picket fence may not cut it when it comes to its ability to keep people out. Another easy upgrade is to install security fixtures, such as flood lights, to further deter any unwanted visitors. For buyers, peace of mind is a priceless when it comes to finding a home, making these safety features a major selling point. 

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6. Save on Water

Above we talked a little bit about the benefits of xeriscape landscaping, one of them being reduced water usage. It’s no secret that Southern California is prone to drought-like conditions, making it especially important to be mindful of water usage. There are a variety of solutions, but xeriscape landscaping has proved to be one of the easiest and most popular methods of saving water. In fact, drought-resistant plants can cut household water usage by 50-75%! Not only will this make a huge difference on your monthly water bill, but also for the environment.

When it comes to wasting water, landscaping is notorious for being a top culprit. That’s why an environmentally conscious approach is so crucial to cutting back on water usage. This can mean anything from planting succulents, placing gravel down, or installing artificial turf. Not only will you be doing your part to help the environment, but a water-efficient set up will be viewed fondly in the eyes of potential buyers.  

7. Creating a Place for Memories and Community

At the end of the day, the home you are investing in should be a place where you feel comfortable and at ease. When you take the time to update the outdoor area of your home, you are creating areas to gather with loved ones and places to make lasting memories. Whether you dream about taking in the sweet smell of summer as you sit on your front porch, hosting afternoon barbeques with your friends, or planting a vegetable garden in your backyard, the exterior of your home is much more than its aesthetics. It is a space that can foster community, that you put pride into maintaining, and makes your home unique in its own way.

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There you have it, the ultimate rundown on exterior remodeling. For more creative tips on improving the value of your home, make sure to check out our blog. As always, if you have any questions or would like to request a quote, make sure to contact us!

Your friends,

-Deep Rooted Designs