Big News! Water Rebates are Back with the Landscape Transformation Program

Big News! Water Rebates are Back with the Landscape Transformation Program

Buckle up, San Diego. Temperatures are soaring and so are our excitement levels. We’ve got big news.

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California announced details for the new Landscape Transformation Program that strives to help the environment and put some extra cash in your wallet.

Essentially, homeowners and commercial properties will be eligible for rebates in return for drought-tolerant exterior upgrades. The program will help promote sustainability and water use reduction throughout Southern California.

We’re a company that specializes in drought-tolerant landscape design, so it should come as no surprise that we’re ecstatic about this news.

Did you know that the average American Family uses 400 gallons of water per day? And roughly 30% of that goes to exterior uses… we know, it’s shocking to us, too.

That’s why we’re passionate about helping San Diegan’s reduce their water consumption and we’re always trying to educate you on the benefits of xeriscape landscape design. This new program shows that our state is taking steps towards a greener future, and patting those on the back who follow suit.


According to this article by SoCal Water Smart,

“Following the success of other incentive programs focusing on landscaping and turf grass removal, the Landscape Transformation Program aims to combine elements of grass removal, irrigation modification and water retention or filtration to support reuse or soil absorption of rainwater.”

Saying good-bye to grass isn’t so bittersweet after all. We help homeowners ditch their lawns every year, and they don’t miss it when it comes time to pay the monthly water bill.

Not only are there limitless creative ways to replace grass, but you can install realistic and vibrant synthetic turf that will never require a lawnmower or go brown on you.

Additionally, by modifying your current irrigation system to a more sustainable system, you can pocket some extra spending money with the Landscape Transformation Program. Our team can help you install the proper landscape irrigation, retention, or filtration systems to turn your yard into a sustainable one.


The professionals at SoCal Water Smart break down the application details so you can get started on your drought-tolerant landscape renovation:

“The Landscape Transformation program is a two-part application process. In order to receive a rebate, you must apply to reserve rebate funds prior to starting your project. After the reservation, you will have 180 days to complete the project and submit your request for a rebate. Metropolitan Water District is offering a rebate of $1.00 per square foot up to 1,500 square feet of converted yard per year. Your water agency may offer an additional rebate incentive. To verify the full incentive offered for your area, please visit estimate my rebate.”

Depending on the conversion methods used in your landscape transformation project, you may be eligible for additional rebates on devices such as weather based irrigation controllers, soil moisture sensors, rotating nozzles, rain barrels or cisterns. For information on available outdoor device rebates, please visit the outdoor device page.”

This is big news for San Diego and we’re excited to help more homeowners take the step towards green living! If you have any questions about your San Diego yard, please contact our team!